Shop operations
All local businesses receive 10% discount. If you’re not sure just ask where they work, tell them to remind you on their next order. Only apply discount to drinks and not cakes or retail.
With any retail coffee purchase whether they buy one bag or five, the customer receives one free house espresso based coffee. No substitutes. This offer is only available at the point of purchase.
Ensure you are behind the counter available to greet any customer that comes into the shop, even if you are busy just explain that you will be free to serve them in a moment.
Should you ever need to process a refund always refund the whole bill and start the process again. Any refund that takes place must be reported to a member of management on the day it takes place. If you have not been authorised to process a refund you must contact a member of management.
Complaints can come unprovoked so treat everyone the same. Be neutral and understanding but don’t feel as though you need to explain yourself to anyone. Report any complaint to management whether it’s minor or major. If there are any problems, offer them the company email: and ask them to forward complaints onto management.
When making drinks, always consider the presentation before serving. If the coffee wouldn't meet a customers expectations then just make another. As service gets busier, still take the time to prioritise quality control and not let standards slip due to quantity of orders.
When a customer leaves, clean away any pots and immediately wipe down tables. Always keep kitchen worktop tidy, keep the dishwasher full.
Keep all bags and coats stored on top of the freezer in the kitchen or stored in the cupboards under the retail shelf. Avoid leaving anything out taking up customer seating.
It is expected that you come to work with a clean, ironed outfit taking pride in what you are wearing.
Summer - Keep the door closed and the airconditioning set to 18 degrees celsius on eco mode
Winter - Keep dehumidifier on at all times and should the window be too misted use the air con to boost
Choose to play from the range of playlists available on the Spotify, any suggestions put forward to management
REcieving deliveries
Always check the invoice before the delivery driver leaves, any substitute or items missing always inform management straight away.
Staff can drink any house espresso based drink on shift. Any guest coffees should be approved by management to manage stock. Employees' spouses receive 10% discount on takeaway drinks. Staff receive 10% discount on all drinks when not on shift.
You are allocated 30 minutes for a lunch break than can be taken throughout the day. Due to the nature of the shop this may be taken in small instalments rather than one full stint.
You will be given set shifts which will be reviewed monthly, should any changes to your rota occur we will notify you 7 days prior to the change where possible.
Any rota requests must be placed 14 days in advance and any shift swapping must be reported to management.
All holiday requests must be placed at least 30 days in advance, holiday requests can only be approved if we have the staff to cover, so try and notify us as soon as possible so we can make arrangements.
- Fire extinguishers are stored under the counter
- In the event of a fire you must alert all customers by pressing the fire alarm
- Before you exit the shop, first check for anyone in the toilet
- Always call emergency services once you are out of the shop and safe
- Do not risk returning back inside the shop to collect any belongings
Any workplace injuries must be reported to management.
For any cuts you must use a blue safety plaster from the first Aid kit is stored in the kitchen cabinets.
Should you fall unwell you must contact a member of management if you will not be able to attend work.